Why Preach Expositionally?: To Incorporate the Biblical Components of Illustration, Application, and Exhortation
I have already offered four reasons for why we should preach expositionally (here, here, here, and here). Next I’d like to expand on those answers by adding another reason... Read More
Why Preach Expositionally?: To Communicate the Theology of the Text
I have already offered three reasons for why we should preach expositionally (here, here, and here). Next I’d like to expand on those answers by adding another reason... Read More
Why Preach Expositionally?: To Explain the Original Meaning
I began to answer the question, “Why preach expositionally?” here and here. Here I’d like to expand on those answers by adding another reason I think pastors... Read More
Why Preach Expositionally?: Because Expository Sermons Honor Authorial Intent
I began to answer the question, “Why preach expositionally?” here, where I also provided a brief description of what I mean by “exposition.” Here I’d... Read More
Why Preach Expositionally?: Because Expository Sermons Are Text-Driven Sermons
Some evangelicals have argued that biblical exposition cannot reach the 21st century believer. Others have criticized exposition saying it is dull and boring, dry, uninspiring... Read More