The Greatness and Glory of the Messiah-King – Psalm 2
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel message delivered by Dr. Akin on February 1, 2007 Outline Detailed Outline Manuscript Audio File
Portrait of Our Shepherd-King – Psalm 23
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel message delivered to the graduates of Fall 2006 by Dr. Akin on December 15. Outline Manuscript Audio File
The Christmas Evangelists – Luke 2:8-20
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel message delivered by Dr. Akin on December 6, 2006. Outline Manuscript Chapel Message
Jesus is Everything – Colossians 1:13-23
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary convocation message delivered by Dr. Akin on October, 10 2006. Outline Manuscript Audio File
Seeing Others With the Eyes of Jesus (Fall Convocation 2006) – James 2:1-13
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary convocation message delivered by Dr. Akin on August 22, 2006. Outline and Manuscript Convocation Message