Jesus Christ and Him Crucified — 1 Corinthians 2:1–9
This sermon continues the series in 1 Corinthians taught at Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church. Manuscript Outline *Please note that the audio from the video... Read More
No Superstars But A Savior — Corinthians 1:26-31
This sermon continues the series in 1 Corinthians taught at Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church. Manuscript Outline
The Gospel of Matthew (Outline)
These outlines follows material taught at Lakeshore Baptist Church from 2017–2020 Matthew 1–7 (Outline) Matthew 8–14 (Outline) Matthew 15–20 (Outline) Matthew 21–28 (Outline)
The Book of Acts (Outline)
This outline follows material taught at Lakeshore Baptist Church in 2016 The Book of Acts (outline)