A Scriptural View of Marriage (2): Marriage Is Ordained by God
(You can find Part 1 of this series, addressing marriage as a picture of the gospel, here.) It should go without saying that marriage is God’s idea, and I often joke that the Lord was having one of his best days when he came up with it! Sadly, many in our culture see marriage as... Read More
Guest Post: Is the Bible Against Spanking?
(The following is a guest post by Jon Akin, pastor of Fairview Church in Lebanon, TN.) In the wake of the Adrian Peterson abuse allegations, people across the country are discussing spanking. A generation ago, spanking was commonplace, but people claim we have evolved as a society, become more enlightened, and now we understand based... Read More
A Scriptural View of Marriage (1): Marriage Is a Picture of the Gospel
There is no mistaking the fact that the institution of marriage is under attack from all sides. There is, of course, the constant cultural onslaught from those who would simply redefine what marriage is to include homosexual, polygamous, and other non-traditional unions. Pastors, church leaders, and thoughtful Christians will need to equip themselves to explain... Read More
Martyrs for Jesus (Wake Crossroads) – Revelation 2:8-11
This continues the Wednesday night series of preaching through the book of Revelation at Wake Crossroads Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. This sermon is from September 17, 2014. Outline Manuscript
Book Notice: LEFT–The Struggle to Make Sense of Life When a Parent Leaves, by Jonathan Edwards
The Scriptures are clear that children are a blessing from the Lord to be cherished and loved, and his happens best in the context of a marriage and family that operates according to God’s design. But the reality in our culture is that many homes have been torn apart by the sin that leads to... Read More