How TGC (and Other Similar Groups) Can Benefit Your Church and Ministry

I will have the privilege of speaking (with David Dockery) at The Gospel Coalition’s 2015 National Conference (#TGC15) on “Church Leadership: The 4-Fold Calling as Pastor, Theologian, Missionary, Evangelist.” The theme of the conference—which will be held in Orlando, FL from April 13–15—is Coming Home: New Heaven and New Earth. I am thankful for The... Read More

TBT Sermons: W. A. Criswell

I’ve listened to a lot of sermons over the past several decades, and I would like to expose you to a few that have stood out as particularly strong. Below is a landmark address by W. A. Criswell from the 1985 Pastors’ Conference of the Southern Baptist Convention, in which he traces the effects of liberalism... Read More

Lessons I Learned from Adrian Rogers

(To read about who Adrian Rogers was, see here.) Adrian Rogers was my mentor mostly from afar. It was only in the last years of his life that I had the joy of being with him up close and personal. I will never forget when he preached in chapel at SEBTS. That was the last... Read More