Christ in the Song of Songs 1:9-14: The Delights of Knowing My King

I compare you, my darling, to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots. Your cheeks are beautiful with jewelry, your neck with its necklace. We will make gold jewelry for you, accented with silver. (Song of Songs 1:9-11, HCSB) In Psalm 45 we discover a royal wedding song with language that echoes that of our Song in a number of places. Some even believe... Read More

The Great Commission and Backyard Baseball

As most of you almost assuredly know, we at Southeastern seminary want to be a Great Commission seminary that equips, trains, and sends out gospel workers to make disciples of all nations. One of my greatest joys as the president is getting to hear stories, like the one below, of SEBTS students who are not waiting... Read More

What I’m Reading – 2/27/15

Below are some of the articles and books I’ve read recently that you may enjoy perusing. “What ISIS Really Wants,” by Graeme Wood – This long but fascinating article has made big waves over the last few weeks, and for good reason. Wood argues that rather than being a gang of mad men, ISIS is... Read More