SCOTUS Redefines Marriage but the Gospel Remains

Along with everyone else, I am taking in the news of the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to grant the right of same-sex marriage in all fifty states. While I disagree strongly with this fundamental change in definition, I am not surprised. And I am just as confident in the... Read More

Reflecting on When a Child Says #IAmGoing

As we enter the heat of summer, many Christians are choosing to use their vacation time to go to the mission field for the opportunity to make famous the name of our King around the world. This is one of the glorious sacrifices we see often around Southeastern Seminary as we trumpet the mantra “#iamgoing” and... Read More

Caring for Orphans in Their Distress

One of the things that excites me about serving at Southeastern Seminary is the way the Lord is leading our people to show his love to those who are most marginalized by society. Several Southeastern families do this by caring for orphans and showing the world a picture of what Christ has done for his children.... Read More