The Basics of Church Discipline – 1 Corinthians 5:1-13

This weekend (9/25-26, 2015), Southeastern Seminary is hosting the 8th annual 9 Marks @ Southeastern Conference. The topic for this year is “Church Discipline,” and my sermon will come from 1 Corinthians 5:1-13. Below are the outline and manuscript of that message. You can also catch the livestream for the sessions here. After the conference,... Read More

Why Preach Expositionally?: To See Lives Changed for the Glory of God

I have already offered six reasons for why we should preach expositionally (here, here, here, here, here, and here.). I’d like to add one final reason. Preachers should preach expository sermons because changed lives for the glory of God is always the goal for which we strive, and it is foolish to think we can actually impact the lives of... Read More

What I’m Reading – 9/21/15

Below are some of the articles and books I’ve read recently that you may enjoy checking out. Essential Evangelicalism: The Enduring Influence of Carl F. H. Henry, edited by Matthew Hall and Owen Strachan — This recently published collection of essays on one of the 20th century’s most important theologians will be well worth your... Read More

Why Preach Expositionally?: Because Preaching Needs the Spirit’s Power

I have already offered five reasons for why we should preach expositionally (here, here, here, here, and here). Next I’d like to add another. Pastors should make expositional preaching their primary practice because from beginning to end, from the study to the pulpit, the entire process of biblical exposition needs to take place in absolute and complete submission to... Read More