What I’m Reading – 11/23/15

Below are some of the articles and books I’ve read recently that you may enjoy checking out. “What My Daddy Has Given Me,” by David Rogers — The son of Adrian Rogers, one of my greatest personal and ministry heroes, shared his reflections on what his dad taught him through his exemplary life. Adrian Rogers died ten... Read More

Building Great Commission Families

Last words are meant to be lasting words, words that make an impact. Clearly last words convey what a person thinks is of utmost importance. As the Lord Jesus prepared to ascend back to heaven following his bodily resurrection (Luke 24; Acts 1), there certainly are a number of issues He could have addressed. He... Read More

What I’m Reading – 11/3/15

Below are some of the articles and books I’ve read recently that you may enjoy checking out. Messy Grace: How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction, by Caleb Kaltenbach — This is a thought-provoking and powerful treatment of how Christians can be loving and convictional at the same time.... Read More

What I’m Reading – 10/2/2015

Below are some of the articles and books I’ve read recently that you may enjoy checking out. “Homosexuality and Christian Faith,” by Rosaria Butterfield — This is an audio recording from last year’s Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference, and it is well worth your time from a phenomenal thinker and teacher. “Kim Regime Expands Secret Prison... Read More