Leading Like Jesus

For pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and teachers, one of the roles and responsibilities that weighs most heavily is the call to lead. Leadership is hard work and requires both skill and character. I have the privilege of serving an institution that prepares ministry leaders, and my desire is for them to graduate with a clear picture... Read More

Heaven’s Hallelujah Chorus – Revelation 19:1-10

This sermon continues the fall Wednesday night preaching series through the book of Revelation at Wake Crossroads Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. This sermon is from October 14, 2015. Outline Manuscript

Some General Suggestions for Improving Your Preaching

If you’re a pastor, much of your time is probably spent thinking about, preparing for, and practice the task of preaching. And, this is a good thing! Our God is not silent, and we as preachers have the privilege of communicating the Word and will of God by opening the Bible and expounding its meaning... Read More

What I’m Reading – 12/1/15

Below are some of the articles and books I’ve read recently that you may enjoy checking out. “Should Christians Support War Against ISIS?,” by Eric Metaxas — “As our leaders decide whether to step up efforts against ISIS, the United States cannot and must not move forward without its conscience — the Church — fully... Read More