What I’m Reading – 1/13/2016

Below are some of the articles and books I’ve read recently that you may enjoy checking out. “Pornography Leads to Sexual Aggression, New Study Says” (Christian Post) — This is not at all surprising, but it does confirm and illustrate one of the many evils of pornography. “UK Government Advises There Is No Safe Limit for Alcohol” (TIME)... Read More

Six Purposes for Preaching

As pastors and preachers prepare their weekly sermons, it is easy to get so focused on the “What?” question—as in, “What am I going to say?”—that they fail to consider the “Why?” question: “Why am I preaching this sermon? What is its purpose or desired end?” And while many pastors may consider this question as... Read More

Building Great Commission Families (ETS 2015)

Below is the entirety of the paper I delivered at ETS last month, entitled “Building Great Commission Families.” I have received great feedback from this paper, and I suspect it is one of the more neglected but most important aspect of living as great commission Christians. May we all strive to build families that care... Read More

What I’m Reading – 12/16/15

Below are some of the articles and books I’ve read recently that you may enjoy checking out. “Britain is no longer a Christian country and should stop acting as if it is, says judge,” by John Bingham and Steven Swinford — While Christianity has been losing any significant footing in British culture for some time... Read More