The Invitation (Part 3): Characteristics of a Good Invitation

Like many spiritual and religious practices, an invitation is open to abuse and manipulation. The solution, however, is not to kill it, but to redeem it. We need to extend calls for response in a manner that is biblical, authentic and Christ-honoring, all to the glory of God. Key concepts in doing this are motivation... Read More

Courage in the Fire – Daniel 3:1-30

This sermon continues the series through the book of Daniel at Wake Crossroads Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. Date: April 6, 2016 Text: Daniel 3:1-30 Outline Manuscript

The Invitation (Part 2): Concerns with the Modern Invitational System

Criticisms of the public invitation almost always make a bee-line to the “altar call” where one “walks the aisle” and “comes to the front” of the auditorium at the urging of the preacher. Jim Elliff represents the criticism of many when he says, “There is no biblical precedent or command regarding a public altar call.”... Read More