The Believer and His Bible – 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel message delivered by Dr. Akin on September 20, 1995. Chapel Message Outline
When Men Call God a Liar – 1 John 1:5-2:2 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel message delivered by Dr. Akin on November 8, 1994. Chapel Message Manuscript Outline
Sheparding the Savior’s Sheep – 1 Peter 5:1-4 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel message delivered by Dr. Akin on November 9, 1993. Chapel Message Manuscript Outline
The Home – Ephesians 5 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel message delivered by Dr. Akin on October 28, 1992. Chapel Message
2 Peter Outline – 2 Peter To challenge the readers to grow continually and in the knowledge of Christ Outline