What is Calvinism? Can Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility Be Reconciled? (Armed for Battle)
Part of a series entitled “Armed for Battle: How to Think Like a Christian in a Counter-Christian Culture” delivered at Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. This series explores what it means to live life from a Christian worldview. Document Audio File
Why Should I Believe That Jesus Is God and that He Rose From the Dead? (Armed for Battle)
Part of a series entitled “Armed for Battle: How to Think Like a Christian in a Counter-Christian Culture” delivered at Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. This series explores what it means to live life from a Christian worldview. Document Audio File
The Problem of Evil/The Bible and Sex (Armed for Battle)
Part of a series entitled “Armed for Battle: How to Think Like a Christian in a Counter-Christian Culture” delivered at Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. This series explores what it means to live life from a Christian worldview. Document Audio File
A Portrait of the Man of God – 1 Timothy 3:1-7
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary chapel message delivered by Dr. Akin on May 8, 2008. Outline  Manuscript Audio File
Which is True: Creation or Evolution? (Armed for Battle)
Part of a series entitled “Armed for Battle: How to Think Like a Christian in a Counter-Christian Culture” delivered at Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. This series explores what it means to live life from a Christian worldview. Document Audio File