Armed For Battle: How To Think Like A Christian In A Counter-Christian Culture (Summer 2009)
Check out this helpful resource that expounds the basics of the Christian worldview from Dr. Akin’s teaching at Student Leadership University in Orlando, FL. Armed for Battle Manual (SLU 2009)
A Word From Paul For A Southern Baptist Convention Great Commission Resurgence Advance for the 21st Century – Romans 15:14-23
Read Dr. Akin’s manuscript from his address at the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY on June 23. Outline Manuscript
Creeds, Deeds, and the Great Commission Insights from 3rd John – 3 John 1-14
Read Dr. Akin’s manuscript from his address at the Founders Breakfast at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention hosted on June 23. Outline Manuscript