12 Marks of a Wise and Trustworthy Leader
The Psalms are an endless well from which the Christain can draw out practical ways to live the Christian life. In a recent sermon, I found 12 marks for a wise and trustworthy leader. Here they are:
- The man of God will praise the Lord for His goodness (101:1)
- The man of God will walk in the way of integrity (101:2)
- The man of God will continually acknowledge his utter dependency on the Lord (101:2)
- The man of God will guard his heart as he leads his home (101:2)
- The man of God will keep his eyes from anything that is worthless (101:3)
- The man of God will hate what is wrong and will not let it get a hold of him (101:3)
- The man of God will not welcome evil persons into his inner circle (101:4)
- The man of God will give no place to slander and gossip (101:5)
- The man of God will seek out the humble, not the prideful (101:5)
- The man of God will look to surround himself with people who are faithful and have integrity (101:6)
- The man of God will have nothing to do with liars and the dishonest (101:7)
- The man of God will not grow weary in the battle between good and evil (101:8)
Which one of these do you need to start implementing afresh in your leadership?